Speaking out


On Thursday, May 21, I was granted the opportunity to become the Keynote Speaker at Riverview Elementary’s Sixth Grade Recognition Program in Hamilton. 

With 72 children (and their parents and other family members) in the audience, I first traced briefly my own background of poverty, starvation, hardship and abuse. Then I spoke of that period as an adult when I was homeless and living in my car. Next I told them that my current success, having owned and operated my own business for the past 18 years, meant that I’d been blessed beyond my wildest dreams––and they could be too. 

Adversity doesn’t need to hold you back or condemn you to an unhappy existence. It can instead propel you toward achieving all of your desires. What makes the difference? A strong character and a willingness to express thanks to those parents and teachers who have encouraged you. Making wise choices rather than foolish ones. Concentrating on what you have, rather than what you do not. And, rather than adopting an attitude of entitlement, remaining eternally grateful, every single day. 

Twice during my speech the audience interrupted me with applause. That touched my heart and told me they were really listening. Afterward, principal Mary Anne Hazlett introduced each student one by one, said something complimentary about his or her achievements and then handed over a certificate of merit. Each child was applauded as he or she walked across the stage. That also touched my heart. 

When the program concluded, several children and parents came up to speak to me––additional warm moments. I felt good and reassured I was on the right path! This is truly a part of what I was meant to do, share my story in hopes that it will inspire,influence,nurture and develop the Mighty In Character in our youths, the future leaders and to encourage young people to aim high and smile as they bask in the praise of the loving adults around them. 

I’d like to thank principal Mary Anne Hazlett, superintendent Janet Baker and Hamilton spokesperson Joni Copas for allowing me this chance to influence so many children at once. This was a day that I will never forget. Many more speaking engagements lie ahead. I felt humbled and honored!



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