What you say is what you get
Words have power. If you doubt that, just watch what happens when someone verbally attacks someone else, particularly in regard to traits the recipient cannot control, like race, ethnicity, intelligence and/or physical disability. Those are the cruelest of taunts, and the long-term effects are deadly––because they assault not only the feature, but also the person.
For most of us, however, nothing matches the insults that we regularly inflict upon ourselves: “You’re crazy. You’re stupid. You’re worthless.” So goes the inner voice, which often perpetuates what we once heard as children. Silencing/erasing those old tapes can take a lifetime.
But silence them we must. Otherwise a positive self-image remains permanently elusive, out-of-reach.
Imagine that you’re dressed and ready to go to a party. You stand in front of a full-length mirror, intent on feeling good about how you look. Instead you hear a chorus of reprimands: “Those slacks are too tight; you never did lose that weight, did you?” “You aren’t seriously going to wear that hat.” “What do you think you are, a jewelry store? What’s with the seven bracelets?”
Good luck on having a fun time that night.
It’s all about the law of diminishing returns. Send the universe a message that you think you’re poor and lonely, and you can’t very well expect a larger paycheck or a dozen friends calling. Send one, on the other hand, that you’re well rewarded for what you do, and you have lots of people seeking your company, and the numbers, however modest, will suddenly seem plentiful.
Now say this aloud: “I am blessed spiritually, socially and financially. My health is (or soon will be) excellent. My life keeps getting better. Any roadblocks or detours are temporary.”
Some readers may find my eternal optimism grating––but I ask you, what’s the alternative? Constant moaning and kvetching? Throw that at your spirit, and you’ll just get more of the same. Speak instead of hope, confidence and gratitude, and it will envelope you with an aura of even more amazing possibilities. Just think; soon you could be smiling as if lit from within.
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